Monday, August 18, 2008

There's Got to Be a Better Wake-Up Call

So, I've got to find out who it is in the school district I've offended and what I can do to make it up to them. If you notice the picture to the left, this will be my teaching style until sometime around December of this year. We (the head director and myself) decided that because of the usual large numbers of students who want to play percussion, that this year we would offer a percussion class, freeing up these students to not only play percussion, but to also play a wind instrument. What I didn't count on was an entire class of sixth 8AM in the morning.........with 19 (NINETEEN, that's a one in front of a nine!) signed up to take the course. Did I mention it's at 8 in the morning, does anyone remember that I am primarily a night person, not a morning person? Did I also mention that these will all be students who think that percussion consists of doing just what this kid is doing in the picture: hitting things as long and as loud as you can to see how annoyed you can make anyone around you, with the ultimate goal of achieveing the pose of the listener in the picture?! How ridiculous!
In other news, Kayla and Brenna made it home safely, the house has been cleaned, I took another shower, and finished Star Wars last night before I went to bed. Life is about to return to regularly scheduled programming for the Joneses. At least, the crazy sort of schedule we keep during marching season.
Can I just take a moment, speaking of marching band, and brag on my kids just a little? These kids have been truly amazing to watch these past three weeks. They have come to the rehearsals we have had and worked their tails off to get things ready for this upcoming season. The head director stated before the first rehearsal that she wanted a marching trophy this year, and I've got to think that if they maintain this pace, they will put themselves in a very good position to attain one. There have only been a few gripes and complaints, and for the most part there has been a great deal of focus placed on completing the assigned tasks as efficiently as possible in order to earn time spent doing other things. I'm very proud of them all. That doesn't mean that they haven't already started to drive me crazy over some things, but overall I've been very pleased.
Okay, it's getting late (school-schedule), and I need to head off to bed, so I promise to keep everyone informed of the goings on during pre-planning this week and the first week of school next week. I know my Georgia teachers that read this are ready to smack me upside the head for that one, especially when they know that I get out around the same time they do at the end of the year. Just keep that in mind when you're off on Spring, Fall, Christmas, and Winter breaks, while I'm slaving away in the constant heat down here!
PS, I apologize for the scrunched-up look to this blog, I can't make it post with the divides I want it to. It's pretty annoying, but if I can endure it, you have to as well!

1 comment:

keyofdjonz said...

i would have to kill someone if i had to listen to 19 would be percussionists at 8AM in the morning!