Monday, August 4, 2008

A Strange, Sad Day

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a huge baseball and college football fan. Well, I have spent the better part of two nights now awake past my bedtime because I'm trying to get more information on a certain baseball event: the sudden passing of Skip Caray, longtime announcer and television personality for the Atlanta Braves baseball team. Now, I may not have been the biggest Skip Caray fan, in fact, I thought several times when I heard him do call-in shows that he was downright rude to the callers. However, he was one of the reasons I fell in love with baseball at a young age. He made it possible for a 7 or 8 year old to sit through a 3-hour game with little complaint because he helped you understand the game as well as made it interesting to listen to. And to those of you who heard or saw those games in the mid-80's, they were everything but entertaining and interesting! It's odd to be affected so much by a man I never even met, but I felt like I knew him through spending so many summer nights listening to him do the games. One thing he was the absolute best at was calling the game the way a fan of the team would, calling the Braves "we" and "us", and if they were doing great, giving memorable calls and praise, and if they were terrible, either making light of the situation (i.e. calling the forthcoming double play because that's how bad we were), or getting downright mad when we weren't playing up to expectations. His voice and personality will surely be missed. Thanks for the great calls, Skip!.....

Larry Munson's immortal, right?

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