Sunday, August 3, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

To my lovely wife:

You are by far the most beautiful of God's creations. How you came to choose me over all others is something that will boggle my mind until my dying day. You are the most intriguing person I have ever met, who continues to challenge me, to make me a better person than I would be without you in my life. Your support of me through the years through good times and bad has been invaluable to my well-being. You have one of the sharpest minds and greatest senses of humor of anyone I know. I love how we can speak entire conversations without saying a word, or how we can sit in comfortable silence. Thank you for your trust in me to lead our family and to listen to God's voice. Thank you for your trust in me. I praise God each and every day that I get to wake up next to you. There is no doubt in my mind that you have been placed in my life to be a daily reminder of how good God is to me. You understand me better than anyone else I know and you accept me fully knowing more of my faults than anyone else. Thank you so much for dedicating yourself to God, to me, and to our daughter. I love you more than I will ever be able to convey in words, actions, or song. I'm so glad we were married and I look forward to each new adventure we take on together in this life and the next! I love you!


Kayla said...

Thank you love. You brought tears to my eyes.

keyofdjonz said...

you are an awesome son and daughter-in-law!! i think you both need to be on dr. phil to represent how a marriage in your 30 something years should be : )hey son, i think your dad and i done good!