Monday, February 4, 2008

Wake Me Up, When September (Oct., Nov., Dec., Jan.) Ends!


I hadn't realized until I was on the phone the other day with a friend of mine that I hadn't updated this blog since last summer! Oops, I forgot one of the reasons people might want to read this is to keep in touch with what's been going on with the Jones family! I will try to do better than one post every five months! Bear in mind that this entry may be a little long due to the length between entries.

Since my last entry, I have been working as the assistant band director at Karnes City HS and as the head director at KC Junior High. We've already had several performances and I've had many successes and "learning experiences" as their teacher. The latest of these was solo and ensemble festival this past weekend. We travelled on a bus for an hour to get to the location and then I went in with the Jazz Band to play our selections to get our rating and comments. We went into the room with a woodwind ensemble from our school as well. When we got done and I had begun to help other students reach their room assignments on time, one of my jazz students came up to me and said, "Mr. Jones, did you see we got a III rating!" A freakin' III! Are you kidding me?! I don't think I was as upset at the fact that we received a III (which for you non-band dorks is an average with II being above and a I being superior), but that the woodwind ensemble that went before us got a II! I even asked some of the kids who were in both if they felt the ratings should have been reversed, and all said yes.

I digress...We're now working on getting ready for our Concert Band Contest, so I'll try and keep everyone up to date as far as the progress goes there.

On another note, we had TAKS testing last week, which is basically Texas standardized testing, so I was stuck in the gym for all but one day last week. This enabled me to listen to some really outstanding podcasts that I had been neglecting since my job got so hectic. It really makes me miss a church like Compass in Athens when I'm able to hear the podcast and hear some of the dangerous steps they're taking as a church this year. I also thoroughly enjoyed Mark Driscoll's take on God's sense of humor and Village Church's trip through the Gospel of Luke. It also reminded me of just how far I've drifted from God as far as quiet time with Him in study and prayer. I have begun this week to try and remedy that. Downside being that my new wake-up time is 5AM! At least it truly is "quiet time!"

Kayla and Brenna are doing well. They are a little (lot) bored here with no stay at home moms in the area really and no groups to participate in. In fact, the other day, Brenna was getting bored and asked to go to Wal-Mart (the only place to go around here) to quell her boredom. If you want to know more about their daily lives, check out Kayla's blog at: It really is fun to watch our daughter grow. I think we will only be here in the great KC for a total of three years. It's a good time to have on the resume, I should be able to gauge what I've taught the kids I've had, and I will have had the opportunity to learn more tricks of the trade. It's not that we don't love the people here, or the kids, Lord knows they're fantastic (especially after last year), but there's just nothing here to truly plug Kayla, Brenna, and myself into this community.

Okay, I may have rambled for enough this time. My parting thought will be that it's the beginning of February, my birthday is coming up in 12 days (28 this year), it's 83 degrees outside (gotta love south-Texas weather), bring on the baseball season! Talk to ya'll later!

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