Let me start this blog by saying that I am thankfully on Spring Break this week, and so I survived this past week. For those that didn't know this past week was Concert Contest for my region. This is like the playoffs for band. If the playoffs didn't actually play against anyone but themselves, and had instruments, and were being conducted by someone, and were getting comments and being judged. Okay, so it's not exactky like playoffs, but it has the feeling of excited nervousness that comes when something big is about to happen. Anyways, my kids were fabulous on the week leading up to the performance. I had very few discipline problems and was able to get really focused. Unfortunately, that meant late nights where I couldn't get to sleep because I was thinking of things that needed to be fixed in the music, as well as still having to teach three other general music classes and two sixth grade classes of students who didn't participate. It also doesn't help to work with someone who gets really, really stressed out about two weeks before the performance event. So, like I said, life was a little rough this past week; but I survived and I was proud of my kids. They got an average rating, not any worse than they received last year and actually did a little better. The high school also did well. Anyway, I am taking a well-deserved break this week. We'll go to Kayla's parents house in the middle of this week and barring having to travel to San Antonio for the birth of our first niece, we should stay there through Easter. Should be fun. Hope everyone else is doing well!