As for why I'm writing my blog at 10:30 on a Thursday, I'm at home with a mildly sick little girl. I was going to title this post differently due to that fact, but my lovely wife beat me to the punch with her blog. It has been a good few weeks with regards to life in general. I was able to finally get some new shoes last weekend since mine had been slowly falling to pieces. I also enjoyed some time off with my family because of the Karnes City Stock Show, not MLK day like the rest of the country.
Oh, don't tell me you're not familiar with the famous KC Stock Show? It's not what my friend Billy thought that all the kids gather around and play the stock market game, it's actually showing cows, pigs, chickens, horses, goats, etc. for ratings and ribbons. AND, because it involves so many of the kids in the schools, and some of the teachers, and it happens to fall the weekend before MLK day, we take off the Friday before and not on the Monday designated to honor a man who changed the course of American history. No, we here in Karnes City feel that livestock are more of a relevant and important thing. I'm really just teasing, but that's how it feels a little bit. It might feel that way because I grew up 60 miles from where the man worked combined with Texas still not feeling like home, but I guess that's the way it goes.
One of the more blogworthy events that I haven't had time for is my family coming to visit us. The final night of our Christmas visit in Houston we had no more room in our inn: My mom and dad, my oldest brother BJ, me, Kayla, Brenna, Annie, Westin, Kayla's mom and dad, and grandmother Nena, Kayla's brother Aaron, his wife Liz, their son Tanner and daughter Avery, and their cat Joey! We were full to the hilt. The next day my family came to KC with us to begin their Christmas/New Years visit. What's the best way to kick off not seeing family for 6 months? Why to break your host's television of course! I'm just teasing my brother, but our television did break and we had to spend the first few days tracking down a new TV for us. Thank goodness for Craig's List! I was a little anxious about it as well, because some of you will recall the largest gift I received for Christmas involved the use of a television. So not only had I just waited about a week to use my Playstation, then I had to wait another three days until I could play it because of not having a television! It ended up okay, though. While my family was here we got to spend the better part of an entire day in San Antonio. We got to go to the Riverwalk and the Alamo and had a really good Mexican lunch followed by a really fun river boat ride. They also had a chance to go to Goliad to see some more Texas history that has Georgia ties. If you want to learn more, ask my dad. We had a good remainder of their trip, even though it was too short. It always makes me sad when they have to leave or I have to leave, but I really enjoy the time we're together.
Well, now you're caught up and here's what's coming up: the fabulous TMEA convention, Kayla's birthday, my birthday, and as always it's Concert Contest Season so you know I'm busy! I promise I'll do a better job of keeping this thing updated! Thanks for stopping by!