Thursday, June 7, 2007

Application is the Key!

It seems like all I'm doing with my free time is filling out applications these days for jobs for the upcoming school year. I wouldn't mind it so much if one of two things would happen: either (A) I got a job and wouldn't have to fill out anymore stupid applications, or (B) all the applications I fill out would ask all the information in the exact same way. Now don't get me wrong, all the applications I fill out ask the exact same information. The thing that drives me up the wall is the way they ask it: Put in your SSN with dashes, put it in without dashes, give us your references address, no give us their phone number, no tell us how you know them, no tell us where they grew up and what their favorite flavor of ice cream is. However, this is the only way I've ever gotten a job, so I'll continue to fill them out. What a way to spend a summer!

Friday, June 1, 2007

iTunes Highs and Lows

I've got to let everyone know how much I love and loathe the iTunes store. I love how you can go on and peruse music or podcasts for hours at a time, you can normally see music from any group in any genre you feel like. This would generally be a fantastic thing, especially for one who is now into his summer season with nothing else to do, but as with most things in life there is a catch: There's always more! Let me explain myself. Let's say I went on to look for music from a band I really like, such as the Foo Fighters, I'll find a song that I like, but being on a fixed budget I can only select one or two songs. Still, this is not the big problem, the big problem is iTunes lists bands or songs they think you'd like according to your selection which leads you to more songs and before you know it you've spent $300 on songs when you only meant to spend $2! I think I'll just buy stock in the company and be done with it, at least that way I can recoup some of my losses!